heee salam alaik, such alonggg time x berblogging hihi
well, im quite busy with my college's schedule and etc. ceyh bajet busy -.-
actually im not that busy, just ntaah, malas nak buat semua benda.
kalau boleh, nak cepat2 habis blaja, im really2 tired !
why ? me myself dont know why. it just that im reaally2 tired.
since i have problem with my beloved celcom -.- urrghh, its make everything getting worse.
hmmm and again i malaaa nak kesah.
malas nak kesah semua benda, it doesnt mean that i dont care, but just,
im tired. again.
Zai, what happened ne ? this is just randomly what came into my mind,
i wrote it down, so just ignore me haha sebenarnya mana ada org kesah pun kan ?
apa yang aku tau, skrng ne aku lagi sng senyap sorang2, pendam sorang2, simpan sorang2.
its better. bukannya apa, xnak menyusahkan sesape pun. serious. aku sbnrnya x paham dgn perangai sndr.
i should be happy and enjoyed my holiday yg x sbrpe nak lame ne kan, tp tahla.
aku rasa kalau aku jadi adik2, mst aku pikir kakak x sayang aku. sikit2 nak marah.
yes, tht's kakak is me. hmm, whats wrong with me again ? it only happened when i came back home.
rasa nak marah2, asyik moody, rasa menyampah.
seriously aku stress mcm ne. rasa nak nanges. yes. dah lama aku x buat kerja part time tu.
for me right now, the most important in my life skrng is, my family.
abah umi adik2. well, im not someone who have a boyfriend. so ofcourse my love towards them are getting bigger and bigger. when i dont have nobody, they always beside me. its true that your family is everything.
but why zai ? why dont you treat them well ? just be a good sister Zai. i love them.
streeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss sgt ! :( :( :( :( :(
Ya Allah, Ya Latif, lembutkan lah hatiku.
elok kan percakapanku.
semoga aku sntiasa berada dalam rahmat-Mu. amen.
yo jai!
lepakss laa, k izzah dgn adik2 lg garang. k izzah pandang je diorg tros senyap.. lg haybatt! heheh... tp bole agak yg awk ni tgh PMS, heheh... papepon, klu nk spill anytime, i'm here~
haha kak izzah, xtau pulak kak izzah jadi silent reader blog kte ne hehe malu pulak tbe2. okay okay, tq kak izzah, just stay beside me okay ;)
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