bismillah :)
hehe such a long time i didnt update here *sigh*
dah bahasa apa aku guna ne ? :/
haha maaf maaf, abaikan sebarang kesilapan ;)
manusia x perfect right, they always make mistakes,
but the best person is they learn from those mistakes.
fuuhh, tajuk nampak mcm gempak je kan ? haha
sbnrnya kesedaran dtg kot, maybe la hehe
final is around the corner, but im too lazy to study.
whats the hell going on with me ? :/ hmm, molla, idk.
'they' kat ats tu refer to CNBLUE and B1A4 actually. sbbnya kan,
dorang mmg really2 worked hard to achieve their dreams. tajuk depan majalah HAI, CNBLUE,
B1A4 pulak, they're getting famous day by day.
this one word to describe them. dasyatkan dorang ? haha nampak x tu ? bias sungguh zai ne, sorry to say,
but im addicted, craving for kpop actually -,-
sorry but i cant do anything,it just my minat. haha
okay, sambung balik,
so what about me ?
why dont i do the same as they do ?
its true that our path is different, but just think about it,
everyone should do their best. no matter what path they take ? am i right ? soo,
wake up zai ! theres a lot of your dream that you MUST achieve !
no matter what. jebal zai. please please.
Ya Allah, please guide me. without you im lost. totally lost.
kat rumah mmg x study, i should know that, so kat kuis aku mmg kne belajar sampai lebam. ahhhhh zai. isk3. i must i must i must !
banyak mende aku nak buat, nak itu nak ini,
nak gy sana nak gy sini,
as anak sulong, ofcourse semuanya aku kne buat sndr.
i must be independent.
so sbb tula day by day, my dreams become big and big !
haha, bukan satu dua je tau dream aku, haha
antaranya, nak belajar main gitar. korang rasa possible ke angan2 tu ? entah, idk too.
but i will try to achieve that. at least boleh main satu lagu.
hehe lagi ? nak jumpa cnblue, b1a4, mblaq emm emm ramai lagi sbnrnya nak jumpa, tapi plg penting for sure cnblue. ahh, and sejak dua menjak ne kan, im falling in love for B1A4 ! so hard :D
haha abaaaaaikaaan, dah ngarot sgt ne isk3
okay zai, just promise yourself, balik kuis belajar really hard okay ?
kalau jinyoung and yonghwa boleh x tdo malam sbb buat lagu, you can x tdo malam sbb baca buku. ewaaah, pantun dua kerat weyy !
baca buku, buat exercise IFA, cost accounting, and micro yg terchenta. ohhhh, ad x sesape yg baik hati nak ajar saya micro ? :(
i really2 hate subject tu, maybe sbb madam, maybe sbb diri sndr dah set x suka, tu yg jadi x dapat2 ble belajar. hmmm molla,
esaaaaah, kata nak ajr kte, balik la cepat and i miss you so much.
sorry x reply msg time awk nk boarding dah, im sleeping tightly atas katil -,- hehe
okay enough zai. i need to sleep. ahhh, lagi satu, kat kuis tu nnt, buat2 la bertaubat, kuat sgt tdonya pun :/
jgn nak kuat tdo sgt zai, sudah2 la, nnt mati, hah tdo la puas2.
okay stop stop. baaaaaaaaai :D
premise 1 : i love yonghwa :D
premise 2 : i love jinyoung too moree :P haha
conclusion : i need to sleep now sbb ngarot dah over. sekian
ps : have a safe journey abah ! he's odw back to penang. and we're going to pndah next year -,-
pss : i miss esah. HAHA
psss : nak gy korea. tolong doaakn please hehe :D last but not least, MIRACLE IS ANOTHER WORD FOR HARD WORK -MINHO-
pssss : stopp la byk2 ps ne -.- kbye
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