June 15, 2012

my dream :')

aku kalau dah balik rumah, dapat laptop pulak,
mmg dah xde mende laen dah, 
confirm berblogging :DD 
but please, dont be jelly much okay ;) 
haha, okay today i wanna share something interesting ;)
keh3 not really lah kan for other, but for me,
this is just interesting, well,
we should find something that will make us happy right ? 
yeaah sure, we all deserved better :) 
naaah, i would like to dancing -,- 
what thee ? haha, nak pandai dance :( 
well, dah lama dah teringin nak dance tau, sukalah,
kalau dga lagu tu, badan auto bergerak skali,
hee, just thinking about taking a dancing class, maybe ? :D
tengok video super junior ke, kara ke, snsd ke,
rasa mcm waaaaaaah geram ! 
nak menari jugak ! 
haha okaay next ! :) 
Nak gy paris ! :DD
just thinking, kalau rasa mcm serabut2 ke,
nak je lari gy paris, heh, 
hukhuk gaya cakap macam paris tu sebelah kuis je kan ? 
macam lah ad byk duit kan -,- 
haha x kesahlaah kan, it just one of my dreams,
well, i wish this will come true one day, hopefully, ameen :D 
okay next, haha
rasa mcm nak pandai main instrument. haha
gedikksss nye saya -,- 
well, x kesah la apa2 pun kan, janji reti main,
xdelah nnt noob je kan,
piano or gitar maybe ? ;) naaah, fun kan kalau reti main?
boleh entertain diri sndr,
maklumlah, kata forever alone :P HAHA
never mind, ignore it.
for once in my life, i want to be someone's special,
in his life, and that person should be my future husband, iA,
well, for now, i dont trust any other guy, 
so i hope that one day, someone will open up my heart again,
well, time heals wound right ? ;) 
i do live well for right now,
ehh, lari tajuk ne -,- haha
x, sebenarnya nak cakap yg,
i would like to round the world with my future husband, iA,
hihi the most place that i really2 want to visit,
karambunai and jeju island of course ! :DD 
wuuuu, thats gonna be so so much fun tau !
lagi2 kalau gy ngn laki sndr hehe okeee gatal disitu yea T.T
haaa, lagi kan, nak terer english lah -,- isk3
aku mmg dr dlu jiwa ntah kemana kalau bab2 english ne,
mmg parah oi ! tapi smpi ble kan ? kata nak round the world,
kne lah reti speaking kan ? heee, bukan tu je,
teringin nak reti cakap korea jugak hik3
kalau dapat oppa sorang kan best, korea mari :DD
lee min ho ke, haih, seronoknya,
dalam mimpi pun susah nak dapat -,- 
ini pulak nak buat laki, puiih,
mmg x la kan, k sedih disitu isk3 :( 
waaaah, tinggi nya impian haha 
last for today, fuuuh,
i really2 hope that i can maintain my pointer for each sem,
well, its quite hard for each sem actually,
naek sem baru, the subject become harder,
Ya Allah, help me and guide me in everything i do,
no matter what, do guide me,
i dont want to lost or cross the line again,
my heart is so full of regret, hmm,
i hope all is well ;) haha
3 idiots ;) missed abbasinas,
missed everything at jeram. thats the fact.
people change, memories remain the same. 
till then, byeee ! 

ps: please take note the green one ;) 
kelingnya aku -,-